Reviews & Features

20 Vehicles Too Ugly For This World


10 Car of the Year

There’s no denying that Fiat has had some serious problems with building attractive and desirable cars in the past. One of the best examples of this is the Fiat Multipla. Believe it or not, this thing was actually produced from 1998 to 2013 and even received a “Car of the Year” award by none other than Top Gear.

Of course, the same outlet also gave it an award for being the ugliest car too. It was eventually redesigned mid-lifecycle, so it ended up looking a little better before it met its maker, but it was still as ugly as they come. 

The worst part is that its looks overshadowed just how utilitarian it really was. The cabin was huge and spacious, and it actually made quite the family car. Most people, however, never got past the weird looks and never found out for themselves. And, that begs the question: Just what was Fiat thinking when it approved this design? There is literally nothing attractive about it on a physical level.

9 Spy Plane

As wild and outlandish as it seems, the plane you see here was actually a spy plane that was built in a collaboration between DARPA, Northrop, and the U.S. Air Force. According to Gizmodo, it went by the name BASX with a code name of Tacit Blue. It was built as a solution to monitor troops and battle positions behind enemy lines stealthy and under the radar. As the story goes, the Tacit Blue was difficult to fly and was one of the most unstable aircraft ever flown by man at the time. That’s not a surprise based on the design, honestly. The plane flew for about three years in prototype form, logging more than 135 flights and 250 hours of flight time. It was eventually put into storage and now sits in a museum.


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