Vehicle design has evolved over the generations, going from more conservative and squarer lines to sleeker and often more risqué styling. While a manufacturer’s primary focus is on the exterior body, given it’s what first entices customers, the interior is quickly becoming a more important piece of the pie. Given the high-end technology, luxury, and comfort demands of the marketplace, manufacturers are constantly looking to one-up another to stand out. Taking into consideration the advent…
For many automotive enthusiasts, racing, mudding, and customizing their cars by any means is something pursued in an effort to stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, the results, whether intentional or not, happen where the rubber meets the road each and every day. Thank heaven some of these poor decisions can be entertaining. Especially the mishaps that involve a terribly customized car, or watching one vanish into the shadows on a tow hook for us all…
There are plenty of lists of “the worst cars of all-time” floating around the Internet. But we want to zero in on what we think is a more egregious failure than simply turning out a bad car. What separates bad (as in “worst”) from dumbest? In our judgement, the “dumbest” cars to be foisted upon the pubic are those that leave the would-be customers saying “What were they thinking?” These are the cars, and trucks,…
Not every car that is designed, manufactured and marketed to the public is a winner. In fact, automotive companies are as likely to roll a dud off the assembly line as a success. Whether it is an ugly design, poor engineering or a plain old lemon that turns off consumers, the history of the automobile is littered with some real stinkers over the years. Many of them now infamous and forever burned in the collective…