Reviews & Features

The 10 Most Overrated Cars on the Market Today


2. Volkswagen Beetle (New)

Few (if any) cars in history have been as heavily marketed as the new Volkswagen Beetle. Sure, revamping this car from the 1960s was a kind of fun nostalgic idea. And the updated version looks modern enough, while still paying homage to the version of the car made popular in the Disney film The Love Bug. But besides being a funky version of the original, what did the new Beetle really have to offer? Heralded as a practical revolution and a true people’s car in some quarters, the new Beetle just ended up being a ho-hum vehicle. Really, there is nothing special to recommend this car other than its nostalgic appeal. As a car and driving experience, this vehicle is run of the mill at best. But hey, it’s cute.

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1. Chevy Volt

Like the previously discussed Toyota Prius, the Chevy Volt is a car that is massively overrated. So much so, that some critics have labeled the Chevy Volt as “General Motor’s Personal Jesus.” Another gas-electric hybrid car, albeit with an extended driving range, the Volt is no more impressive than any other hybrid vehicle on the road today – although it is more expensive. While the Volt does have an advanced drivetrain, it can’t compensate for its lack of power or torque. Plus, it’s “extended range” isn’t really that far and the car’s appearance is a little on the boring side. Prior to its release, the marketers at GM overhyped the Volt so much that it became impossible for the car to live up to expectations. People thought the Volt would look like a Camaro and get 230 miles per gallon. Sadly, no.



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