Reviews & Features

10 Great Cars That Almost Nobody Buys


1. Dodge Viper

Say it ain’t so. The Dodge Viper is an iconic and gorgeous looking sports car. It’s a car you had plastered on your bedroom wall as a teenager, a car people fantasize about and a car everyone has an instant image of when the name is mentioned. Yet despite its revered status, fewer than 1,000 Dodge Vipers were sold in 2015. To be precise, a total of 676 Dodge Vipers sold last year. That is a pitiful number given the vehicle’s legendary status. Especially since automotive reviewers claim that the Dodge Viper has only improved with age.

Current models continue the Viper’s tradition of providing its owners with power and sex appeal, while adding state-of-the-art technology and features such as a V10 engine that helped the Dodge Viper set speed records at 13 test tracks, leather everything, and a 8.4 inch touchscreen infotainment system. But despite being super impressive in every way, the Dodge Viper was thoroughly outsold by the competing Mercedes-AMG GT. So much so that executives at Dodge have mused publicly about stopping production on the Viper. Why are sales so bad? It’s gotta be the starting price of $120,000. Please, tell us it’s the price!




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