Reviews & Features

12 Cars With The Cheapest Repair Costs


6. Chevrolet Impala

A second Chevy to make the grade is the Impala, which has been distinguished for costing its owners less than $200 a year in maintenance costs. Like the Chevy Malibu listed earlier, the Impala has made great strides in recent years in terms of quality and reliability. This model is now one of the most affordable to own and drive over the long term. Some of the more common issues experienced with this particular car include troubles with the accelerator pedal ($200 to repair) and the throttle body assembly (about $400 to repair). However, these issues tend to crop up much later in the car’s life and are not problems people typically experience in the first five years of driving the Impala.


5. Ford Taurus

People who want to “buy American” should consider purchasing a Ford Taurus. The Ford Motor Company has led the way in terms of reinventing the American car. The company has not only greatly improved the quality of its fleet of vehicles, but it has been responsible for many innovations such as rear view cameras and opening trunks using a person’s foot. Many of these innovations can be found in the Ford Taurus, which is also fun to drive and has fantastic fuel economy. The Ford Taurus is also great for families and, thanks to quality craftsmanship, can stay on the road for many years with very few problems that need fixing. With the exception of some issues with electrical wiring, the Ford Taurus is distinguished for costing its owners less than $150 a year in repair bills. Not too shabby.



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